Arm Lift Plastic Surgery in San Antonio

Does skin hang and shake from beneath your upper arms, particularly when you wave? Exercise is unfortunately no solution for the excess skin and fat deposits. Excessive skin is unsightly, interferes with the fit of your clothing, and can create problems with friction and folds in your upper and under arms. Whether resulting from the typical signs of aging or a dramatic weight loss, a brachioplasty, or arm lift, can help patients achieve a slimmer upper arm and contribute to their ideal figure.

An arm lift, specifically targets the area between the elbow and underarm and often into the chest wall (sides) to remove excess fat and or sagging skin as well as tighten the supportive tissues for optimal results. Reshaping effectively smooths the skin and creates a more toned, proportionate appearance.

Brachioplasty is performed by Dr. Matthew Bindewald as an outpatient procedure and is usually done under general anesthesia. On the day of the procedure, patients should allow for two to four hours for the entire procedure, from check-in to recovery. Often combined with liposuction to achieve an ideal look, Dr. Bindewald will remove the excess skin and pull the remaining skin taut, draping it over the new, sleeker arm contour.

Results of an arm lift are often dramatic in nature and patients are typically very pleased with their sleeker arms and overall appearance. Men and women usually feel a sense of relief and satisfaction after the procedure is complete, knowing that they no longer have to live with the physical limitations and side effects of this excess skin and fat. Results will be long lasting, and your new appearance can enhance your self-image and boost confidence. South Texas plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Bindewald can help you achieve the new, leaner upper arm profile you desire.

Contact plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Bindewald at his San Antonio office today at 844-DR-MATTB (844.376.2882) to schedule a consultation regarding your brachioplasty.

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